CATEGORY: Documentary
Warren County: Birth of a Movement (2018)
Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
This is a trailer for a 30 minute documentary film which chronicles the birth of the environmental justice movement, which began in Warren County, NC. The film follows a county wide protest against the dumping of PCB Carcinogens in Warren County.
Warren County: Birth of a Movement (2018)
Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
This is a trailer for a 30 minute documentary film which chronicles the birth of the environmental justice movement, which began in Warren County, NC. The film follows a county wide protest against the dumping of PCB Carcinogens in Warren County.
Warren County Trailer from MichaelPearce on Vimeo.
CATEGORY: Film Trailer
The Healer (2018)
Written, Directed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
The following is a trailer for a feature family fantasy film, coming out in 2019. The film was crewed by students from Living Arts College and produced by the school.
Upstream Thinking (2014)
Photographed, Directed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
The following is a PSA for Water Conservation produced through the Nature Conservancy.
CATEGORY: Documentary
Bajo Promo(2010)
Co-Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
The following is a promotional piece for Faithful Servant Missions and documents the work that the Christian organization is doing in Bajo Tejares, Costa Rica. The film follows the children of Bajo as they enter an educational program created in the area.
CATEGORY: Television Program
FOX50 Presents Hola NC! Anniversary Segment (2013 - 2018)
Co-Produced, Co-Photographed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
This is a segment from a television show that I produced and edited called HOLANC. The program airs on FOX50 and is produced in coordination with WRAL. This segment explores the overall themes and intentions of the show.
CATEGORY: First Cut of The Healer Scene 45
The Healer (2018)
Directed, Co-Produced, Written, and Edited by Michael Pearce
The following is a first cut of a scene from my feature film, The Healer. The scene has a temp track, but the cinematography, writing and editing are all indicative of what the final piece will look like.
CATEGORY: Documentary Film
A Storm Over The Coast (Opening Scene 2010)
Co-Produced, Co-Directed, and Cinematographer
The following is the opening of a short documentary film I co-produced and photographed, which explored the community reaction to an LNG plant off the coast of Georgia.
Soldier (2011)
Co-Directed and Produced by Michael Pearce
The following is a collection of images from a project which I recently produced and co-directed along with my students. The footage is shot on the Arri Alexa and chronicles the last day of a soldier about to return to war.
First Tee of the Triangle (2011)
Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Michael Pearce
First Tee of the Triangle is a local organization which teaches young kids important life lessons through the game of golf.